Coin collector galore types or specialties

If you categorize yourself a collector coins, how?

Collecting coins as specialities of the collector in several ways. Here is how the diversity of the coin collector to distinguish.

The casual coin collector: the most common

Will know that you a collector of currency, if...

Collecting coins-Sie, no matter, what your age

You collect coins randomly just for the fun of it

-don't pay much money for the preservation and coins purchase

-We collect some coins which are obsolete, those that have changed and I are out of circulation used my Mage, commemorative coins, those with errors or those

-Collection is more interesting because the coins dates you as gifts

The collectors curious: second level

You're able, even as a collector curious if knowing...

-Sie are more interested, in the coin collecting more simply collect because you get as gifts

Don ' t mind coins to buy, especially if you are cheap

-Sie surfing shops are more interested in currency relative to a casual collector

-verbringen you time the surfing the net looking coins sold on eBay or other sites of the currency

-Sammeln coins without a clear goal

-Sie tend to increase your knowledge of coins and may soon consider always a collector coins advanced how to establish a contact with serious collectors that could inspire

The collector of advanced: extreme collection

We can as a collector, the advanced if classify...

-Sie are beaten by "Hobby of Kings"

-Sie both are "Generalists" (a collector who wants to get a large number of coins) If a surprising collection six available resources; can "Completist" (a collector wants to collect a complete set of a particular type) - lack of resources and will opt for less coin a set complete, if you "Completist"

prefer as a "completist", you collect coins by a particular historic period, nation, or you prefer to collect coins with errors.

No matter what level of coin specialty, you choose collection, it is your choice. It is important that see it rewarding and fulfilling.

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